Fresno Innovation
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Project
The Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health (DBH), in partnership with the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA), is conducting a research project to understand more about how to help young people in Fresno County stay out of trouble with the law. We want to hear from youth ages 15-17 who have been involved with the justice system about how they think Fresno County DBH can help support youth.

Study Details
Youth ages 15-17 who reside in Fresno County, California and who have been involved with the justice-system.
Youth can also apply to be a Youth Facilitator and get trained to help lead the sessions if they are between the ages of 17-24. As a Youth Facilitator, youth will be trained to co-lead the trainings and focus groups.
$100 gift-card for participation in a whole three-hour session, and up to $85 for transportation and childcare support.
Youth facilitators can get $400 to do a training, get coaching, and co-lead sessions. They can lead as many sessions as they would like and can earn more for each session they do.
Youth participants will join a three-hour session including:
A one-hour training session to learn about ACEs which are experiences that can negatively affect the lives of youth
A one-hour meal break
A one-hour group discussion to talk with other youth their age about ways Fresno County DBH can help young people in Fresno County stay out of trouble with the law.
Youth facilitators will join the sessions listed above, plus attend two trainings to prepare for the sessions, one on the ACEs curriculum and the other on facilitation skills.
Megan Thomas, MPP, Aurrera Health Group
Vimbai Madzura, MA, LISW, Aurrera Health Group
Marcus Shaw, PhD, California State University, Fresno
IRB Approval:
#2561, Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects, California State University, Fresno
Expiration Date: 12/13/25